Sign Me Up Signs is now Kristen Ramsey Art.
What’s in a name? Well, quite a lot, actually.
I’ve been using the name Sign Me Up Signs/ Sign Me Up Signs & Art for my art business for about four years and for a while now it’s felt a bit limiting. When I first started painting, “signs” were my primary mode of creation and most everything I was painting and creating could fit neatly into that category. Over the past few years my artwork has started to grow and expand, and it just doesn’t neatly fit into the category of “signs” anymore.
My work is still heavily influenced by the beautiful work of traditional sign painting. And I do still paint lettering quite a lot. And 1-shot sign painter’s enamel is still my favorite thing to paint with. Those things are still true. But there are other types of artwork and products that I’ve grown into a bit and I don’t want to be limited by the name “Sign Me Up.”
So, I hope you’ll stay tuned here and keep journeying with me as I keep making art that is an expression of my heart as Kristen Ramsey art.
Much love,